As subtle as a flying brick.

The Press: Making Bloggers Look Good Since Before Blogging Was Invented

Of all the offshoots of the “Stuff White People Like“, my favorite is Stuff Journalists Like. From Free Food to Press Passes to Exclusives, this blog is covering everything in the ink-stained-wretch’s lifestyle, including some things they really just barely tolerate.
For a more serious look at the Journalistic Profession during this time
of Transition/Crisis/Insanity, there’s always Jay Rosen, whose PressThink blog has been previously seen here and is getting more attention than ever via (shudder) Twitter. Or, for something more in-between… 10,000 Words uses a bright, shiny bunch of tag clouds, maps and other visual aids (plus fun with typography) to tell the journos how it should be done while doing it.

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